Ezy-Axis deer call was created to simulate an Axis buck scream.
Axis deer scream to show dominance, location, urge to breed and willingness to fight.
WARNING - this call could attract a 200 lb or bigger Axis buck ready to spar.
DIRECTIONS - Place bottom lip on black rubber below white plastic diaphragm.
Place top lip on black plastic above white diaphragm.
Blow air through diaphragm creating an axis deer scream.
Young Axis bucks will scream in 3-5 bursts.
Older mature bucks scream in 1-3 bursts.
EZY-AXIS Deer Call
To watch a video on how to use the Ezy-Axis deer call, visit: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R4WlbV21eiQ